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Medication Information

If your child will need medication at school, please print the Medication Administration Request Form, or the appropriate form for your child's medical condition (such as asthma, food allergies, diabetes, seizures) under the Ganado ISD Health Forms and have your healthcare provider complete, sign, and return it.    If your child will self-carry their emergency medication (such as an inhaler, epinephrine auto-injector, diabetic medications/supplies), please contact the school nurse or principal for the appropriate form(s) and return to school. This form must be signed by your healthcare provider.  

  • If your child is in 7th grade or older and participates in sports and/or other activities, we highly recommend that your child self-carry their emergency medication.
  • The Health Office must be aware that the child has medication with him/her. 


Medication Administration

According to GISD Policy, all medications that are to be administered at school must comply with the following guidelines:

  1. Medication must be provided by the parents. The medication must be in the original container. Medications sent to school in a Ziploc bag or unmarked container will not be given to the student and be sent home.
  2. Medication must be accompanied by a permission slip signed and dated by the parent/legal guardian and primary physician. Parents must provide the time medication is to be given. Dosage will be according to the recommended dosage on the bottle label.
  3. Medications purchased in a foreign country (for example, Mexico) cannot be given.
  4. Medications such as Tums or Pepto WILL NOT be supplied by the school.


Desplazamiento del permiso de medicamento

De acuerdo con la Politica del GISD, todos los medicamento que se deben administrar en la escuela deben cumplir con las siguientes pautas:

  1. El medicamento debe estar en el envase original. El medicamento enviado a la escuela en una bolsa Ziploc si no está marcado no seran entregados al estudiante y seran enviados a casa.
  2. Los medicamentos deben ir acompañados de un permiso firmado y fechado por el padre/tutor legal y el médico de cabecera. Los padres deben proporcionar la hora a la que se administrarán los medicamentos. La dosis será según la dosis recomendada en la etiqueta del frasco..
  3. Los medicamentos comprados en un pais extranjero ( por ejemplo, Mexico) no pueden ser administrados.
  4. Medicamentos como Tums o Pepto NO seran suministrados por la escuela.