Grievance Process
The GISD Board of Trustees encourages employees, students, parents, and community members to discuss their concerns and complaints through informal conferences with the appropriate administrator. Concerns should be expressed as soon as possible to allow early resolution at the lowest possible administrative level.
If an informal conference regarding a complaint fails to reach a satisfactory outcome, the concerned employee, student, parent, or community member may initiate the formal grievance process by filing a written grievance within the stated timeline.
Even after initiating the formal grievance process, complainants are encouraged to seek informal resolution of their concerns. The formal complaint may be withdrawn at any time.
For information or clarification about the GISD Grievance Process, please call administration at 361-771-4203.
Informal Administrative Conference
The individual should present their complaint to the lowest level administrator. If unable to resolve, proceed to Level 1 Complaint Level.
Level One Complaint – Lowest Level Administrator
Submit complaint form to the campus/department within 15 days of the informal conference and/or incident/event that is the cause of the complaint. A hearing will be set within 10 days. The administrator hearing the complaint will respond in writing within 10 days. The complainant has 10 days to appeal the complaint after receiving the response. If unable to resolve, proceed to Level 2 Complaint Level.
Level Two Complaint
Submit complaint form to the superintendent's designee within 10 days after receiving the Level One response. A hearing will be set within 10 days. A written response will be provided within 10 days. The complainant has 10 days to appeal the complaint after receiving the response. If unable to resolve, proceed to Level 3 Complaint Level.
Level Three Complaint
Submit complaint form to superintendent’s office within 10 days after receiving the Level Two response. The superintendent places the matter on the agenda for a future Board meeting and informs the complainant in writing of the date, time and place of the hearing. The Board may or may not take action. No action by the Board upholds the administrative decision at Level Two..